TEE & E Trucking, Inc. A minority owned and operated trucking company that has steadily grown to be a leader for 25 years in the dumping industry. We are veterans in the industry with expert credentials in hauling materials; rock, sand, gravel, top soil, concrete removal/ demolition, and transporting general freight. Our policy is to understand the needs of our customers and provide the best quality in dump truck service possible. Our trucks are late model, radio dispatched, dependable and maintained on a strict preventative maintenance program. We keep all of our trucks and equipment in excellent condition so we are able to serve our customers in the most efficient and safe way possible. As a result of our safety record and excellent customer service our customers benefit due to our reliability and uptime.
Tee & E Trucking, Inc.

Contact Information
- 1901 Hadely., St. Louis, MO 63106-4318
- 314-575-8890
- http://www.teeandetruckinginc.com/
- teeschell@aol.com