MS Trucking INC


Safe operations take precedence over any other objective at MS Trucking. Thorough training, retraining and a state-of-the-art driving simulator, enables us to ensure driver safety. In addition, we use rigorous screening techniques, including drug/alcohol screening, criminal background checks, and medical reviews. Through our exceptional corrective counseling, we will do everything in our power to keep our staff and our family of drivers safe. We won’t ask any driver to endanger themselves or anyone else to pick up or deliver outside what they are legally allowed to do. Safety is not limited to the highway; we also utilize extensive safety systems for our maintenance and office environments.

We view our customers as partners and focus on building long-term relationships. Whenever we are involved in planning the transportation services with the customer we routinely suggest cost saving ideas that can be implemented without hurting customer service. We employ the right people and train them to deliver exceptional service.

We will consistently make choices and conduct our business with high moral and ethical standards. The highest expectations of integrity comes first from our Safety Department and onsite shop inspections of our trucks and trailers. We will go to great lengths to ensure our staff is adequately trained and give second chances to employees who make mistakes. However, we do not tolerate dishonesty and will dismiss employees who are dishonest with us or our customers.

Setting a high standard, we have entrusted the implementation of our business plans to the staff and drivers we employ. This plan starts and finishes with the highest level of excellence, with pride taken in every load.

As a family owned and operated company, we here at MS Trucking take pride in our staff and treat them like our own family. Knowing our drivers are away from home and their families we want to ensure they have the support they need from us.


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